Past Meetings

List of Annual Meetings of the Genetics Society of Japan

Number Dates Venue
1 Oct. 19, 1928 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University
2 Jul. 26, 1929 Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University
3 Oct. 31, 1930 Tokyo Agricultural Experiment Station
4 Oct. 31, 1931 Gakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto Imperial University
5 Oct. 14, 1932 Nagoya Medical College
6 Oct. 26, 1933 Department of Zoology, Hiroshima University of Literature and Science
7 Dec. 21, 1934 Department of Biology, Taipei Imperial University
8 Oct. 21, 1935 Department of Forensic Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
9 Oct. 16, 1936 Department of Physiology, Okayama Medical University
10 Jul. 31, 1937 Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University
11 Oct. 13-15, 1938 Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medicine and Kyushu Wheat Experiment Station, Kyushu Imperial University
12 Oct. 14-15, 1939 National Museum of Nature and Science (Tokyo)
13 Aug. 27-28, 1940 School of Medicine, Gyeongseong Imperial University
14 1941 Regional Conference (6 venues) (General Meeting in Sendai)
15 Oct. 27-28, 1942 Institute of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University
16 Oct. 20-21, 1943 Gakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto Imperial University
17 1944 Regional Conference (7 venues) (General meeting in Nagoya)
18 Nov. 18-19, 1946 Shizuoka High School
19 Oct. 21-22, 1947 Matsumoto High School
20 Oct. 23-24, 1948 Koyasan
21 Oct. 20-22, 1949 Faculty of Science, Nagoya University
22 Oct. 14-16, 1950 School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
23 Oct. 11-12, 1951 School of Liberal Arts, Hiroshima University
24 Oct. 8-10, 1952 School of Medicine, Niigata University
25 Nov. 7-8, 1953 National Institute of Genetics
26 Oct. 28-30, 1954 School of Medicine, Kyoto University
27 Oct. 16-18, 1955 Okayama University
28 Oct. 6-8, 1956 Toyama City Public Hall
29 Sep. 3-5, 1957 School of Agriculture,, Hokkaido University
30 Oct. 16-19, 1958 School of Medicine, Nagoya University
31 Nov. 4-7, 1959 School of Medicine, Osaka University
32 Oct. 30, 1960 Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
33 Sep. 1-3, 1961 Kawauchi Branch School, Tohoku University
34 Oct. 17-18, 1962 Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Mishima Campus), Nihon University
35 Oct. 8-10, 1963 College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
36 Oct. 18-20, 1964 Ehime University
37 Oct. 18-20, 1965 School of Medicine and Gakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto University
38 Aug. 10-12, 1966 School of Liberal Arts, Hokkaido University
39 Oct. 9-11, 1967 School of Liberal Arts, Kobe University, College of Liberal Arts
40 Oct. 7-9, 1968 Hiroshima University
41 Oct. 10-12, 1969 Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University
42 Oct. 5-7, 1970 Tokyo Woman’s University Junior College
43 Oct. 20-22, 1971 Faculty of Science and Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
44 Oct. 7-9, 1972 Faculty of Science and Faculty of Law and Literature, Okayama University
45 Oct. 14-16, 1973 Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University
46 Sep. 10-12, 1974 Welfare Hall (Sendai)
47 Oct. 3-5, 1975 Nihon University Mishima Campus
48 Oct. 28-30, 1976 Nakanoshima Research Institute, Nippon Life Insurance Company (Osaka)
49 Sep. 28-30, 1977 Hokkaido Economic Center (Sapporo)
50 Oct. 8-10, 1978 Tokyo University of Agriculture
51 Oct. 11-13, 1979 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
52 Oct. 6-8, 1980 Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Toyama
53 Oct. 12-14, 1981 Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University
54 Nov 19-21, 1982 Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
55 Oct. 8-10, 1983 School of Liberal Arts, Tohoku University
56 Jan. 23-25, 1984 The College of International Relations, Nihon University
57 Oct. 13-15, 1985 Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Science, Kobe University
58 Dec. 4-7, 1986 Nagoya Kanko Hotel
59 Oct. 29-30, 1987 Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba
60 Oct. 8-10, 1988 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
61 Oct. 13-15, 1989 Hokkaido University Conference Hall
62 Oct. 4-6, 1990 Ochanomizu University
63 Oct. 16-18, 1991 Kyushu University Hakozaki Campus
64 Oct. 22-24, 1992 Sendai International Center
65 Sep. 17-19, 1993 The College of International Relations, Nihon University
66 Oct. 8-10, 1994 School of Medicine Lecture Hall, Osaka University
67 Oct. 12-14, 1995 Okayama University
68 Oct. 3-5, 1996 Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Nagoya
69 November 1-3, 1997 Yokohama City University Seto Campus
70 Sep. 23-25, 1998 Hokkaido University Conference Hall
71 Sep. 24-26, 1999 Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, Hiroshima University
72 Nov. 3-5, 2000 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University and Kyoto Kaikan Conference Hall
73 Sep. 22-24, 2001 Ochanomizu University
74 Oct. 1-3, 2002 Kyushu University Hakozaki Campus
75 Sep. 24 – 26, 2003 Tohoku University Kawauchi Campus
76 Sep. 27-29, 2004 Osaka University Convention Center
77 Sep. 27-29, 2005 National Olympics Memorial Youth Center
78 Sep. 25-27, 2006 Epochal Tsukuba International Congress Center
79 Sep. 19-21, 2007 Okayama University 50th Anniversary Memorial Hall (Tsushima Campus)
80 Sep. 3-5, 2008 IB Electronics and Information Center, Nagoya University
81 Sep. 16-18, 2009 Faculty of Science, Shinshu University
82 Sep. 20-22, 2010 Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University
83 Sep. 20-22, 2011 Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University (Yoshida Campus and North Campus)
84 Sep. 24-26, 2012 School of Medicine Centennial Hall and Alumni Hall, Kyushu University
85 Sep. 19-21, 2013 Keio University Hiyoshi Campus
86 Sep. 17-19, 2014 Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology
87 Sep. 24-26, 2015 Tohoku University Kawauchi-Kita Campus
88 Sep. 7-9, 2016 The College of International Relations, Nihon University
89 Sep. 13-16, 2017 General Education Building and 50th Anniversary Memorial Hall, Okayama University Tsushima Campus
90 Sep. 19-22, 2018 Nara Institute of Science and Technology
91 Sep. 11-13, 2019 University of Fukui Bunkyo Campus
92 2020 Cancelled* (Kumamoto Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center Palea)
93 Sep. 8-10, 2021 Gakushuin University (Held online)
94 Sep. 14-16, 2022 School of Engineering Hokkaido University
95 Sep. 6-8, 2023 Kumamoto Prefectural Community House, Parea
96 Sep. 4-6, 2024 Kochi University of Technology’s Eikokuji Campus

*The on-site meeting was cancelled to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. It was replaced by publication of the program and proceedings.